July 23, 2012
President Dave R. Called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
There were 84 members and visitors.
Our meeting was dedicated to Mr. Robert Parks a long time member and a gentleman who passed away July 11, 2012. The entire membership stood up for a moment of silence for Mr. Parks, he will be missed. Dave R. donated a C-5 16 cent never hinged original gum perfectly centered for the good of the club and sold $5.00 raffle tickets for this. The 2010 catalog price for this was $150.00. This was very successful for the club. In the near future Dave will try and do this again.
The winner of the stamp raffle was Horace S. Mr.Jodi D. Son of the late Seymour D., another long time member who passed away in 2008, joined our club. He is # 205. Everyone at our club welcomed him. We welcome back Vera and thank her for taking care of the club sign in table. Our club wishes Florian a quick recovery, we miss not seeing him . Thank You Mike B. for helping with the sign in table. Thank You Geri F. for doing the 50/50. Thank You Bob K. for all that You do for the club . Thank You Frankie D., Geri F., Jean P., Kraze and David for helping out with the auction. Thank You Martha L.. Carol S., Helen and Cathy for your help . Thank you to all that helped put the tables back and made sure we left the VFW clean and sparkly. Mike N., Gunter A., Silvia and David R. for all the time spent working on our revised and updated By- Laws.
A motion made by Bob K. and seconded by Paul C. that our club adopt the revised By-Laws. After some discussion our new by laws were discussed and unanimously adopted. Education programs were given by Hein D., David R., and Cliff W. Erik E. taught us his technique for getting the glue off the stamps –
Goo Gone wash off with warm water let is dry and then he uses gasoline, they come out silky soft with beautiful results. The holiday party was discussed and also the spring picnic. More details will be made available as they approach. It was voted unanimously that John D. will be the cook at our picnic. John was not available for comment! Many thanks to our youth group for their help in giving out all the special door prizes. Emma, Max, Christopher, Taylor, Kaleb, Anthony and Cristina. Phil K. presented each of the kids with a $1.00 bill. Emma donated here $1.00 into the treasure box. and Steve H. also presented them with a coin.
Door prize Vouchers were won by Mr. Alva W. and Phil S. Bob S. won the 50/50. The treasure box winner was The late Mr. Robert Parks who we dedicated this meeting to. We did pull another name and it was Joe M. but he wasn’t at the meeting. Lights were turned off at 9 p.m. It is an honor to be part of this great, great, club. Each and Every One Of You make our club what it is today ! Thank You All. Minutes submitted by: Silvia Rosenthal Hostess