Minutes 2-25-2013
President Dave opened the meeting at 6:02 PM.
There were 78 members and guests present.
Before the meeting was called to order there was a lot of activity at the member tables. Members brought in stamps and coins to buy and sell and the auction view table was full of great items to look over for our live auction.
There were a lot of visitors that brought in items for free appraisals, most of whom (or is it who) met our members at our table at the Flagler County Home Show.
Dave discussed the upcoming 9th Annual Stamp, Coin, and Collectables show to be held at the Elk’s Lodge. Members were asked to wear their club shirts to be recognized as a club member. Volunteers were asked to meet at 9:30PM March 1st to help set up tables.
Dave R. gave a report on the Library program held on Feb. 19th. Over 50 people attended this event. Jim D. gave a great talk on Abe Lincoln followed by Ed W. who always entertains us with his wit and humor. The News Tribune gave the club a great front page write up with photos of this event. Thank you Silvia R., Dave R., Jody D., Bill B., Joyce D., Phil S., Mike N., Francine F. and Bob K. for your help.
Thank you Helen E., Geri F., and Cathy C., for cutting out hundreds of stamps for our Library program and the Home Show and a special thank you to these wonderful ladies for all their behind the scenes help and support.
Our First Annual Fun Day Picnic will be held at Hershel King Sr. Park off Colbert Lane on the first Sat. in April. This will be April 6th, 2013. Cooking will start at 11:00 AM. Members can start arriving at 10:00 AM. We have reserved the shelter for the entire day. The club will supply hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers and drinks and at 12:00 noon Pizza will be delivered. Members and guests that are attending need to bring a covered dish.
There will be a great youth area with special crafts, oldies music and board games for all adults to enjoy. Bring a lawn chair or two to enjoy the grounds. This park is on the intercostal waterway where you can watch the yachts float by. Bring a fishing pole and try your luck.
With a show of hands at the meeting we expect at least 100 members and guests.
Dave introduced all of our first time visitors and some long time no sees: Joe H., Chris and Pat DeP. Welcome back.
Ray H. was introduced and presented a slide show of the first Federal Mints in Philadelphia. We have had many presentations by Ray in the past and this one is one of his best. Ray comes from Jacksonville, FL and it is always a real treat to have him visit our club
A motion was made and seconded that Ray H. become our club’s first Honorary Member.
By a show of hands and applause this motion was unanimously approved. Ray will be given the H1 designation on his membership card.
There was a great auction and Dave had some fun with his reverse auction.
Thank you Keith M. Gunter and Ginny A. for your great and thoughtful donations for the good of the club
A special thank you to our auction team for all their hard work: Frankie D., Kraze K., Paul C., C.L.W., and Dave R. You guys are the greatest.
Thank you Silvia R. for keeping David moving along.
Keith M. won the club tote bag raffle. We have two more totes left to be raffled off for the good of the club.
Thank you Bob K. and Mike B. for manning the front sign in table.
Thank you Brian S. for your help setting up the auction tables.
Thank you Suzanne S. for the great embroidered club shirts that you donated for the good of the club.
Thank you Bob and Paul S. for your great donation to our Treasure Box.
Thank you Phil K. for your idea for the Treasure Box and the items you donated for our kids programs.
We welcome new member #219 Cathy R. We hope to see you at every meeting.
Door Prize Vouchers were won by Kraze K. and Jack G. Congratulations.
Our 50/50 was won by Joe H. Luck was with him tonight.
Thank you VFW for allowing us the use of your facility. Please support the VFW by enjoying their special dinners every Friday night.
The Treasure Box was not won so you could be the next big winner. Remember you have to stay to the end of the auction and be and be present to win the Treasure Box.
Our club just held our 9th Annual Stamp, Coin, and Collectables show on March 2nd. This was a great success. Details at our next meeting on March 25th. Don’t miss this meeting.
Minutes submitted by:
Silvia R. Hostess
Typpped error free by:
Dave R.