Dave R. called meeting to order at 6:03 PM
There were 76 members and visitors present.
Dave announces the club has finally been approved for 501c 3 non-profit status after two years of effort. A Winter Park attorney worked for the club pro bono, and we are grateful for his efforts.
A moment of silence was held for Stan C.’s wife, Joanne, who recently passed. Stan thanked the club members and officers for their help and support at a difficult time.
LOTS of new members signed up tonight:
James C.
Rick R.
Ryan K. (a 6th grader)
Kathleen G.
James Y.
Warren S.
Dave thanked everyone who helped and participated at the recent Flagler Co. Home Show. Many, many members lent a hand to our booth. Dave said we gave away almost all the coins and stamps we brought with us for the youngsters attending the show to have.
Announcement: Next month we will break into different tables headed by experts and aficionados to learn more about which ever hobby area you’d like to learn about.
Reminder: March 1 is our annual Coin & Stamp Show. Dave challenged all members to bring coins, stamps, or a gift basket for the Chinese auction. Wear your club shirts if you have one.
The club passed a motion to donate $100 to the Elks Club for our annual charitable contribution. The Elk’s Lodge had a major fire last year and needs help getting back to normal.
VP Frankie D. reminds us that, as of today, a 1st Class stamp costs 49 cents. They’re all still “Forever” stamps.
New member Rick R. brought in an error stamp and error coin to
show members.
Dave R. spoke about the “Legends of the West” sheet that the Post Office issued through a lottery program.
Dave said the Postal Service produced an upside-down “Jenny” souvenir sheet containing 6 reproductions of the “Jenny”. These stamps have a $2.00 face value. The Post Office also produced 100 of these sheets with the “Jenny” flying right side up and were randomly sent out to Post Offices nationwide. Offers for these exceed $25,000.00. (GOOD LUCK).
The club honored Horst S. for his many volunteer efforts on our behalf.
The club also honored Henry I. For all he has done to also support our club.
Door prizes awarded tonight… copies of Root Eye Dictionary by Dr. Tim Root.
Billy Bob B. and Stan C. won tonight’s door vouchers.
Phil N. won the 50-50.
After the “good of the club” shoebox auction tonight… tiny loving cup trophies were awarded to the biggest sport and the winner who spent the least amount of money (99 cents). This was a fun event and we hope to do this again next year.
Minutes taken by Recording Sec’y Jody D.