Minutes of Meeting March 24 2014

On March 27, 2014, in Uncategorized, by Flagler County Stamp

Dave R. called meeting to order at 6:01.

Dave reviewed our annual coin & stamp show at the Elks Club, saying this was probably our second biggest show ever and the club netted a nice amount this year.

Dave proposed changing our September 2014 meeting to another coin & stamp show, open to the public, with each member getting a free vendor table to sell items. A majority of members approved the idea.

We welcomed new member #236, Ken E. Ken’s daughter, Kendra, is already a member.

Vice president Frankie B. alerted us to a rumor going around the Postal Service…hinting that all civil servants will be retired at the end of 2014. Just a rumor… no substantiation.

Honorary member Ray H. from Jacksonville gave a presentation on the difference between brilliant uncirculated (BU) and almost uncirculated (AU) coins. He used powerpoint and had pictures and grading criteria. He highlighted the buffalo nickel, walking liberty half dollar and Indian cent, and said he’d return in the future to highlight AU vs. BU in other coins.

John R. and James B. won the door prizes.
Members signed a card wishing Frank M. luck on his upcoming shoulder surgery.

Dave & Silvia won the 50-50.

Lots of auction items sold for the good of the club.

No one won the treasure chest.

Respectfully submitted,



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