Minutes of Meeting May 23 2016

On May 25, 2016, in Uncategorized, by Flagler County Stamp

Dave R. calls meeting to order at 6:12, but we won’t savage him for this one. Unfortunately, we had a delay due to a technical snafu which prevented us from hearing and seeing Paul S.’s 9/11 presentation. He’ll offer it at a future meeting.

Attendance 47 members  seven guests

We held a moment of silence in memory of Lily C., whom we lost since the last meeting.

Dave gives Rodney F. a baby stroller as a gift on behalf of the club for his new granddaughter.

Dave says the club is mentioned in the recent edition of Linn’s Stamp News. Yay, us! Dave publicly embarrasses his Recording Secretary by revealing that “he” was arbitrarily changed to “she” in our community calendar listing this week in the often-pathetic Palm Coast Observer. Also…the Pennysaver listed tonight’s meeting as being in January. Local journalism at its finest, my friends.

Applications are now available for next March’s club show at the Elks. Dave says the number of tables, as well as the price to secure one, stays the same.

The World Stamp Show takes place in NYC next week.

Dave and Silvia looked into traveling there to promote the club, but expenses turned out to be prohibitive.

The Treasure Chest needs more love after Jane M. emptied it in April.

Club is giving three matted, framed blocks of Mexican stamps to Salsa’s restaurant to thank them for their assistance.

Bobby K. gives his Treasurer’s Report. Extra expense this month to pay the Elks for the March ’17 show hall rental.

Visitor Bill B., the VP of the Jacksonville Coin Club, encouraged members to come to his club’s show June 3-5.

We welcome new members Berndt B. (268) and David G. (269) with the usual “stuff.”

Door prize vouchers are won by Francine F. and yours truly, Jody D.

50/50 had two winners.   #70 David R. and #95 Robert C.

Yours truly gives presentation on collecting Old Time Radio shows for free on mp3 via several websites, as well as collecting original 16″ transcription discs at reasonable prices. Presentation includes OTR quiz, which many of our members did quite well on, and display of four of the aforementioned discs with historical notes. Dave gives me certificate of appreciation. Still waiting on the cash honorarium. I should live so long.

Auction is held. Treasure

Chest is won by longtime member and former treasurer John D. The old goat wasn’t present, so we roll over to June. Remember…the box needs love.

Respectfully submitted,

Jody D. Recording Sec’y


Following are the URL’s (links) to the topics in the presentation by Jody D.


Archive.Org      http://www.archive.org/details/oldtimeradio


Old Time Radio Researchers  (more than thousands free shows)   http://www.otrrlibrary.org


Shows for Sale on CD in cleaned up, excellent sound    http://www.radioarchives.com


If you have SIRUS/XM, there is an Old Time Radio channel there.


Transcriptions DISC Quarterly Auctions     email   broadwayrecords@gmail.com


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