Meeting was started at 6:03 p.m. 67 members attended
What joy it was to of seen YOU ALL!!
Our Congratulations go out to Steve H. On His Retirement !
We wish him the best !!
What a spectacular educational program Paul S. and Bob S. gave us.
Royce and Helen donated for the good of the club a beautiful stamp album ! Thank You Both so very much!
We discussed the new club pin and design. A motion by Nancy L. and second by Francine F. to purchase 200 pins. The motion was amended by Phil and second by Francine to purchase 300 pins to get a reduced cost per pin.
We discussed the new auction for June
The club discussed the new registration of our club as a 501 (3) (c) organization. John D. will handle the paper work. Thanks C.L. for your input on this. This will cost the club between 300.00 and 400.00. A motion was made by Nancy L. and seconded by Francine F. and several others to follow through with the 501 3 c application process.
Our 200th member Dean came with his wife, sister and brother in law
All of the attending youth members were giving blue name tags to identify themselves at our meetings.
Old members coming back after years Ray L., Thania and Frank M.
It is good to see You All back !!
Vouchers were won by Jose L. and Max W.
The 50/50 was won by Kraze.
Suzanne and Frank’s generosity was great they embroided three shirts and a beautifull hand bag (which was won by Helen )
The pullovers were won by Jose L., Phil S., and Max W.
Thank You Paul S., Bob S., Emma , Jose , Geri , Cathy , Carol , Suzanne ,John , Hein ,Kraze ,Mike N.
Bob K. for all your help last night. Thank you Hein D. for setting up the tables. Thank you Hank D. for watching over Hein.
It is very much appreciated by all.
Our club had a small but active auction.
The winning name for the treasure box was Frank S. who unfortunately left early. Remember, to win the treasure box at the end of the auction you have to be present.
Remember that we will have our first silent auction at our June 25th. If you need forms for your lots contact Dave R. and he will email them to you. No limit on number of lots. Please remember to price your lots to attract bids.
Meeting ended at 8:45
Submitted by:
Silvia R. Hostess