Minutes of Meeting Sep 24 2012

On September 26, 2012, in Uncategorized, by Flagler County Stamp


Flagler County Stamp and Coin Club, Inc.

Meeting minutes Sep 24 2012

Frankie D., Vice President, called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.   We had 50 members and five guests in attendance.   35 members/guests stayed for the auction.   Of the five guests, three joined as new members.

The club welcomes the three new members:   #209 Frank M.,  #210 Jane M.,  #211 Suzanne S.

Frankie D. gave the club many interesting facts on the U S Postal Service.   He also announced the club’s upcoming holiday dinner on Nov26 2012 at the Golden Corral and our annual stamp and coin show coming up in 2013.   News on these events can be found at the club’s web site https://stampandcoinclub.com

Francine F. was instrumental in handling the logging of the members that took tickets for the Belk’s charity drive.   Hats off for a job well done.

Everyone welcomed back Joe B.   Joe has been on active duty in Afghanistan.

Mike N. gave a short talk on mail as well as announcing the club’s 2013 calendars will be available at a later date.

CL W. gave us information on ride availability, extended to our club by the Daytona Beach Club, for the FUN SHOW held at the Orange County convention center in Orlando.   This event takes place the second week in Jan.   Pickup location, cost and date will be announced at a later club meeting or provided by email to all members.

Door prizes vouchers were won by #110 Danny R., and #199 Sue G.   Congratulations!!

50/50 was won by # 91 Clifford W.    Nice!!!

Our thanks to CL W. and Kraze for conducting the club’s auction.   We had some very active bidding on items.

#188 Harrison K. was drawn for the treasure chest.   The member was not present so this continues on to our next meeting.    To win the chest you must be present at the auction.

Our President, David R. and his wife Silvia, our hostess, are on vacation.   We hope they had a fantastic time!!!

The club thanks Frankie D. for taking the helm at this meeting.   An awesome performance!!!!

Adjournment was at 7:30 p.m.     Submitted by Bob K., Webmaster


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