Our club had 56 members and guests present.
President Dave R. opened the meeting at 6:05 PM and welcomed everyone to our meeting.
Dave R. mentioned the bad weather and thanked everyone for attending.
Before the meeting started several guests brought collections in to be appraised. One group that I found interesting was a group of three young ladies that brought in a collection of United States stamps that were found in a storage locker they had purchased at auction. This reminded me of one of my favorite shows
“Storage Wars”. After showing these stamps to several members they sold them.
Our members are bringing more items to sell and trade before the meeting starts. This, I hope, will become a tradition for our club and will lead to new members joining our club.
It is always fun to see where all of our guests hear about us. Tonight all of the guests either attended our show or read about it in the newspaper. One guest, a young girl named Kendra and her Grandfather found us on our web site.
Dave R. spoke about our spring picnic. Alas, the weather was cool and the wind was brisk but everyone that attended had a great time.
Dave R. announced that our May meeting will take place on the third Monday in May which is May 20th, 2013 due to the VFW needing the room for Memorial Day activities. So mark your calendars.
Jacob and Kendra passed out the mailing tubes to be decorated in coin and stamp themes and brought back to our May meeting. The best ones will receive a great prize.
Dave R. shared an envelope that showed prison art on it and also showed an old stamp hinge dispenser from times gone by that was featured in a recent edition of the American Philatelist. At every meeting our club encourages our members to bring in items of interest and share them with us.
Dave R. spoke briefly about some changes that may take place at our next show for our youth table. This will be brought up again at a later date when more members show up at our meeting.
Mike N. spoke for a moment about the coin denominations that could help reduce the cost of minting new coins and paper money. Mike N. also told our club that the calendars for 2014 have been ordered and will be delivered in time for our November Holliday Party which will take place on November 25, 2013 and will take place at 2:45 PM at the Golden Corral Restaurant. Of course details will be sent out at a later date.
This is the first time our Holliday Party will take place before Thanksgiving.
Dave spoke about obtaining a projector screen and donating it to the VFW. Bob K. later offered to donate a screen to our club to present to the VFW. Thank you Bob K. for this generous offer.
Get well wishes for Florian B., Helen E., Geri F, Cathy C, Lily C., Mike B., Kathy R. and her husband, Pat D., all of which are having some health problems. We look forward to seeing all of you back at our meetings real soon.
Cliff W. let the membership know about the Jacksonville Coin Show. He stated that 120 tables have been sold for this show. Bob K. will be posting this to our web site.
Our club welcomes our newest member, Jacob S. #221 as our newest and youngest member.
Jacob even helped with one of our auction lots. Jacob is a very bright and energetic youngster and will be a great asset to our club.
Thank you Phil K. for the donation of the Columbus/St. Augustine medallions to be handed out at our youth programs.
Thank you Frankie D., Francine F., Kraze K., C.L. W., Dave R., Jacob S., and Kendra for helping with the auction.
Thank you Steve H., Frank M., Paul and Bob S. for helping set up and take down the auction tables.
Thank you Francine for taking care of the 50/50.
A great big thank you to Vera B. for taking care of the sign in table. We could not do it with out you.
Thank you Bob K. for all that you do for our club.
Thank you John D. for leaving us with a few dollars in our treasury.
Thank you Jack G., Danny R. and Robert K. for handing out prize tickets.
Thank you Jean P F for your donation of albums the good of the club.
Thank you Jean P for you donation for the good of the club.
Thank you John D. for you donation of coins for the treasure box.
32 members stayed for the auction. Special “Money Cans” were given out as prizes for those that had winning tickets during the auction.
The 50/50 was won by Phil Kniceley. Congratulations Phil.
The door prize vouchers were won by Francine F. and Frankie D. both sitting at the same table.
The name pulled for the Treasure Box was # 214 Frank W. Next month we will try again.
Submitted by,
Silvia Rosenthal, Hostess