President Dave R. opened the meeting at 6:00 PM.
There were 46 members and guests present.
Prior to the meeting there were many members that brought in items for trade, sale and buy. This is growing every month and has become an important part of our meetings.
Dave R. welcomed everyone and had every member and guests introduce themselves.
The meeting was held on the third Monday this month due to the VFW using the facility for the Memorial Day activities taking place on the fourth Monday. This will be a permanent date for our May meetings each year from now on.
Dave welcomed long time no sees Pat and Chris D., Phil A., Linda S. Henry I. I made a boo boo.. I forgot to welcome back Brian K. SO WELCOME BACK BRIAN K.. Silvia R. presented Brian K. with his long lost table cloth that he used at our show last March. No storage fee this time Brian!
Thanks! To All who donated for the good of the club …
Mr. Frank S. and Ms. Jean Pierre F. for their tremendous generosity towards the good of the club ..
Our beloved webmaster, Bob. K. presented to the VFW a 5X5 projection screen for everyone’s use. Thank you Bob, for your kind donation of this much needed item.
Dave R. told the members that the cost to do our annual show was increased and our paid advertising has also risen. As a result a vote was taken and passed to raise the member tables to $30.00 to help offset these higher costs. Non members who wish to have a table will remain at $65.00. To qualify for the $30.00 member table all dealers must be a member in good standing for one year.
Our next show will be our 10th Annual Stamp and Coin Show to be held on the first Saturday in March 2014. Contracts will be available at our next meeting. Our last show was a sell out and we have a waiting list for 2014.
The date of the show is March 1, 2014.
After a discussion on the youth area and free stamp table it was voted to continue this youth area with no fees to anyone who wishes to go through donated stamps. The majority felt that this is a great draw to bring in new collectors to our hobby and in time will enrich our participating dealers when the new collectors need better material.
Our members also voted not to have coffee and Danish in the morning to avoid spills at the tables. Dave R. will ask the Elks if they will provide coffee in the dinning room for those that wish to purchase their AM coffee.
Dave R. informed the membership that on July 18 2013, on a Tuesday, at the Library at 2:00 PM an adult class on stamp and coin collecting will be presented by our club. This is the first time our club will be doing an adult version of our program.
Mark your calendars.. For our October meeting we will have our first Holiday Chinese Auction fund raiser. There will be a lot of surprises for our last meeting of the year. (November meeting is our Holiday Meal).
Our guest speaker for the evening was our Vice-President Frankie D. who gave an update on the post office. A lot of questions were asked by our members and answered. This was a fun and learning educational program that was enjoyed by all.
Our members returned the decorated mailing tubes handed out at our last meeting. Our members voted on the best ones and the Grand Prize went to Ed Wolf and 2nd prize went to Max Wolf. Every one who participated received an award.
Dave held up 14 different collectable limited edition lighthouses for the members to identify. All but two were handed out to winners and the last 2 were given out as door prizes.
We had a very active auction and a lot of surprises. Jacob S. was the highlight of the bidding wars. Great job Jacob.
Thank you Bob K., for manning the welcome table.
Thank you Ruth K., for taking care of the 50/50.
Thank you Frankie D., Kraze K, Francine F. Dave R., Jacob K., C.L., and Kendra, for your help with the auction.
Thank you Jane M., for helping pass out door prize tickets.
And thank you Paul S., Dave R., Mike N., Jane M., C.L., Max W., and Jacob K. for helping with the tables.
At our next meeting we will discuss some new ideas for our youth for helping at the club.
Our door prize voucher winners :
Geri F. and Dave G.
Our 50/50 winner was:
Paul S.
The Treasure Box would have been won by Mark Wells if Mark was present at the end of the club auction.
Submitted by:
Silvia Rosenthal