Dave R. calls meeting to order at 6:00.
Attendance: 76
Dave gives Ron Stark, Commander of our VFW Post, a framed gift and a certificate of appreciation for all he does for the Club.
Reminder… our September meeting will be the members’ coin and stamp show. All members who want a table will be provided one at no charge. The public is being informed via various media
Dave says forms to reserve tables for the Club’s annual March stamp and coin show will be available at next month’s meeting.
New members welcomed to the Club:
#242 Richard H. He’s interested in Morgan dollars and other silver coins.
#243 Joe S. His interest is coins.
Dave announces that Kraze will be unable to attend future meetings due to health reasons.
Members in attendance signed 4 get-well cards for ill members and related family.
Everyone introduced him/herself on the microphone for the benefit of all our new members
Young members Ryan K. and Jacob S. given certificates of appreciation for helping the club.
Prize drawing held for Priority Mail cartons featuring Spider Man. Thanks to USPS.
Bob K. gave the Treasurer’s report.
Dave mentioned the National Guard Armory in Ocala is the site of an annual show for train enthusiasts.
C.L. says the Jacksonville Coin Club holds its annual show May 31-June 2. He says so far, there’s no arrangement for local bus transportation to the Summer FUN coin show in Orlando.
50/50 won by Paul B. He also distributed the tickets. Cries of “Fix!” were widely heard, which Paul vehemently denies. 😉
Cheap jewelry auction followed by regular monthly auction.
Treasure box winner was NOT in attendance, so contents roll over to June
Respectfully submitted,
Jody D.
Recording Sec’y