Minutes of Meeting June 23 2014

On June 30, 2014, in Uncategorized, by Flagler County Stamp


David R. calls meeting to order at 6:03.

73 in attendance.

Diana M’s son Joe given club ball cap.

Joe from the American Legion offered members discount tickets to the Daytona Cubs game on Jul. 10.

Dave reminds everyone of the member coin and stamp show Sept. 23. You must let Silvia R. know if you want a table.

 Dave said, since our VFW rent has doubled from last year, please consider more donations for the good of the club to help pay the difference.

A moment of silence was held for Jean P’s husband, who passed away recently.

VP Frankie D. given pretzels, nuts, Slim Jims, etc. to accompany his beer at the meetings.

 Bob K. gave his treasurer’s report.

Frankie D. gave Silvia R. a birthday present from the club.

 Dave gave Catherine G. a stamp she’s been seeking so she can sketch it.

Dave offered CDs containing exhaustive stamp database to any club member.

Ray H. from Jacksonville conducted the second and final part of his grading lecture. He covered Peace Dollars, Mercury Dimes, and Standing Liberty Quarters.

$10 vouchers won by Palmer M. and Bob S.

Approximately 20 door prizes given out—ping pong rackets and balls set.

Vera B. won 50-50.

 Good of the Club auction followed by special auction including member collectibles

Treasure Chest WINNER… C.L. (present at meeting).

Respectfully submitted,

Jody D.
Recording Sec’y


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