> Dave R. calls to order at 6 pm in teeny-weeny back room of VFW. 42 in attendance.
> Club recognizes Alva W. for reaching his 100th birthday! Many more, young man!
> Dave recognizes two members, Bill B and Keith M, who haven’t been with us for awhile.
> Nominations opened for officers for 2014-15. Only one nomination for each of the three elected offices. So, by acclimation, Dave R. is president for another year, Frankie B. is VP once again, and Bob K. is re-elected treasurer.
> Dave reminds all that next month is our big, first-ever coin, stamp and collectibles event. Those with tables are asked to help set up well ahead of 4:30 start time. Children attending will be given packets to help begin the hobby.
> Our club brick at the PC public library will be installed within next 90 days, Dave said.
> Dave reads best/worst stamps from Linn’s latest list.
> Club is informed the most valuable stamp in the world, from British Guiana, sold for $9 million this week.
> Club presents Frankie D. with leather briefcase in appreciation of his work as USPS liaison and auction cashier.
> Dave handed out new stamp cataloging CD to all members who wanted one.
> Bob K. gets gag gift of a cash drawer to play with while recovering from upcoming followup surgery.
> Ed W. shows and tells a wide-angle photo of entire US military outfit just back from France in WW I, and urges club members who find similar photos to preserve them.
> Frankie D. reports Palm Coast area will soon have limited Sunday mail delivery of packages from Amazon.com in partnership with the company. He says Amazon is paying USPS $1 billion for the privilege.
> Bob K. gives treasurer’s report.
> Door prizes awarded to Mike N. and Tom H.
> 50-50 winner is Glenn G.
> Auction is held.
> Hey, Georgie B! Feelin’ lucky today? What a shame, because yesterday was your lucky day. You won the treasure chest! But, alas, you weren’t there to collect the goodies. They roll over to next month.
> Respectfully submitted,
> Jody D
> Recording Secretary