From: | Jody Davis ( This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Tue 8/05/14 10:54 PM |
To: | President StampandCoin ( |
David R. opens meeting at 6:00. Attendance: 61 members, 7 guests.
Dave welcomed Ed W.’s grandkids, Max and Shana Rose
New member: Harold B. #244 introduced. This was followed by 5 youth members of the club coming up front for a “team picture.”
Bob S. moves to buy a brick as a donation to the Friends of the Flagler Co Library. Motion passes.
Bob K. given gift in recognition for fulfilling his multiple duties as treasurer/webmaster.
Ed W. given gift in recognition for his education programs.
Kathy K. given an item to use in her craftmaking.
Dave reminds everyone that nominations for officers are next month.
Dave asks everyone who is helping set up for September special meeting be at VFW by 3:30 pm.
Bob K. gives Treasurer’s report.
Dave demonstrates how to peel off self-stick stamps through the use of a WD-40 pen. The pens are no longer made, but the club bought all the pens in the area and is selling for $4.00 apiece.
Members pass around microphone and talk about “firsts” they have experienced.
$10 door prizes to Rick R. and William J.
Jean P. wins the 50-50.
Auction is held, then a drawing only for those who stuck around. Prizes: ice shavers.
Francine F. wins treasure chest!!
Respectfully submitted,
Jody D.
Recording Sec’y