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Dave R. calls meeting to order at 6:06 pm after some microphone issues. Unfortunately, we got it to work, so we actually had to hear Dave.
Attendance: 54 members and guests
Dave reminds all to watch for post-hurricane scams. Only hire licensed and insured contractors and repair crews.
On Nov. 5 Golden Corral is having a yard sale fundraiser for its kids camp, so bring your stuff and have some of your revenue donated to the camp.
November club dinner invitations go out in the next day or two.
March 04, 2017 club show is sold out.
If you can help out in our booth at the upcoming Home Show, please volunteer.
Dave discusses monkey business during his and Silvia’s European vacation.
Dave thanks everyone for a great year, recognizing elected and appointed officers.
Next year, our 50-50 options will include 3 tix for 2, 7 tix for $5 and 15 tix for $10.
Also, one of the two voucher door prizes will only be won by those who go to the club website, find the code word for that month, and mention it to Vera when you enter
Club will have a covered dish dinner in January, with cold cuts provided. All drinks must be purchased at VFW canteen.
Welcome new member Jean H. (274) and hello to her brother, Jim G., who may join as well.
Bob K. gives Treasurer’s report.
VP Frankie D. praised his employer, USPS, for its great local response following Hurricane Matthew.
Ed W. says he’s lent sheets of political campaign buttons he’s collected over the decades to the public library.
Youth coordinator Jacob introduces two friends and his Dad. Both buddies collect coins and stamps.
The “Palm Coast Coin Show” is returning to the Columbian (K of C) Club the 3rd Sunday of every month.
Door prize winners are Kathleen G. and Jim B.
Vera B. wins the 50-50. Additional door prizes of princess puzzles are distributed.
Good of the club auction is followed by the regular auction.
Treasure chest winner is Frank M. Not only was he present, he PICKED HIS OWN NAME OUT OF THE PILE. A US appellate court ruled he could keep his winnings despite the shady circumstances. January 2017 DPV word is “covered dish”.
Respectfully submitted,
Jody D.
Recording Sec’y