Dave R. opens meeting at 6:02 after his usual gentle reminder from Jody D. We have 57 members and guests in attendance.
Thank you Alan and Joyce for helping to set up the tables for tonight.
Members voted to renew our rental of VFW hall for 2017. Rent goes up $10 a month. Dave says we can bring in food again starting in January, but all drinks must be purchased at VFW canteen.
Dave introduces guest David S.
The Home Show is Jan 21-22. We have the same location in the hall as this year. Motion to pay rent for our spot carries.
Dave says all men must bring a purse to November’s Holiday Party. He did not say whether Golden Corral will be providing transgender bathrooms. Really, Dave?
We unveil our new banner to be used for future March club shows. It’s very big and very nice and kinda expensive, but will be great PR for us.
Elections are held for club officers. Incumbents for president (Dave R), vp (Frankie D) and treasurer (Bob K) are renominated. No other candidates nominated, so we’re stuck with these bums…I mean FINE PEOPLE…for another year.
Newly re-elected treasurer Bob K. gives his report. He tells members…if you want a print of a picture posted on our website, he’ll get it for you at nominal cost.
Dave says the March show is now SOLD OUT, though one more table might be able to be squeezed in.
Dave asks subscribers and readers of Linn’s to watch for our ads for the March show in coming issues, because Linn’s hasn’t exactly been on the ball thus far.
Motion carries for club to give annual donation to the Flagler Co Library.
Frankie D. warns everyone to be extra-watchful, because a ton of postal scams are circulating these days.
Paul S. gives presentation on 9/11. He was on a Red Cross team that came in from NJ to Ground Zero. Thank you, Paul, for your service to all rescuers and crews.
Ed W. gives presentation on medals, of which he has many, many. He shows us how to use internet search to find the real stories and history behind these and other historical objects.
$10 vouchers won by Brian S. and Frankie D.
50/50 is won by William J.
Auction is held.
Treasure Chest winner is Garrett S. who’s NOT in attendance. Rollover.
AFTER THE MEETING: Dave informs your humble correspondent we’ve secured liability insurance for club activities at the VFW at a fair price.
Respectfully submitted,
Jody D.
Recording Sec’y