72 Members and Visitors
Dave R. opened the meeting at 6:00 PM on time for second month in a row! Great Job Dave.
There were at least 22 visitors with all kinds of stamp and coin collections to be evaluated by our members. This is a great civic duty we do for our community at no charge.
The Blessing for our meal was given by Nikki B. at 5:00 PM in her native language (Thailand). Every one enjoyed the sub sandwiches and side dishes brought in by members.
Dave R. had everyone stand up for a moment for the passing of Jack Frost, Bill B.s long lived fishy. Jack will surely be missed by everyone!
William J. gave a 2 minute talk on how he encourages his grand children to collect stamps.
Bob K. gave a great financial report. We only have two more regular meetings this year.
Joyce C. spoke about Kindness Rocks and Shells that she paints and inscribes heart warming messages on them and then leaves them on the beach for visitors and residents to find. A great idea.
Ray H. gave another award winning talk on coins. His presentations are second to none and we look forward to his next installment.
Ed W. was presented with a special frame.
Dave R. told everyone who needs to contact him to use the club’s email (stampandcoin@hotmail.com) due to the fact that Dave and Silvia will not have a phone for the next 8 weeks. This started a barrage of ideas from the members. Dr. John Z suggested the use of a cell phone. Angela suggested that you can send and receive messages on this same device. What is this world coming to. A phone with out a line connected to a wall?!!
Dave R. reminded the members that nominations will be accepted at our next meeting for President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasure. This is according to our by-laws. If an election is needed this will take place at our October meeting.
Thank you Mike N. for your quick talk.
Special Mary Kay items were presented as door prizes to our members and visitors. Congratulations on these winners.
A special thank you to everyone who helped put up the tables at the end of the meeting and a special thanks to Alvin A. for setting up the room.
Our club welcomed two new members. #284 Barbara C. and #285 Will H. Welcome to our club.
Special Auction door prizes went to Francine F., Alvin A., Joyce C., Rodney F., Ed W., and Rosie N.
Door prize winners for the $10.00 vouchers were # 206 Henry I. and #44 Jim B.
The 50/50 was won by #230 Kathy G. Congratulations to all our winners.
Our club had a Large and Lively Auction with bargains for all the top bidders. Let’s keep bringing in great items for our auction.
Thank you to Allen A., Joyce C., Frankie D., Bob K. and Dave R. for running this fast and furious auction.
The Treasure Box would have been won by Bob S. if only he were at this meeting. Sorry Bob.
SECRET word for the September meeting is HURRICANE
Minutes written and submitted by:
Silvia R. Official Hostess