Minutes of Meeting July 24 2017

On July 25, 2017, in Uncategorized, by Flagler County Stamp


Dave R. opened the meeting at 6:00 PM on time for a change.

There were 67 members and guests present.

Dave R.  welcomed all the guests that brought items in to be evaluated and thanked everyone who brought in items for our “Pot Luck Snack Night”.

Jim B. gave the blessing for our meal.

Keith M. sneaked in for this meeting and is headed right back to cold country only to return in December.

Our annual show is a sell out again. A waiting list for our show in 2019 is being prepared.

Bob K  gave our treasure’s report.

Dave announced a new club within our club. “Two Minute Club” where members and guests can speak for two minutes on any subject and receive points. Extra points can be earned by the discretion of the President of our club. Points can be added to each months meeting. Points are worth nothing and you cannot get any big awards for most points. There might be special recognition at our Holiday Meal,  or not. Let’s have some fun with this and come join our “Two Minute Club”.

The following joined the “Two Minute Club” at this meeting.  Jose L.-Perf stamps, Bernd B.-Train Travel experience and postal museum where he received items for our youth-members. , Mike N.- 700 MPH train between NY and Washington,     

Bill B-spike about the APS “Philatelist”  magazine and Belgium stamps with not not deliver on Sunday labels., Angela talked about her school., Fran and Jane M. spoke about Corvettes and the Corvette Museum (Great Job Jane Keeping Franks In Line), Bob, S. spoke about the 43rd APS black tie convention in 1926 that showed his grandfather in a picture of this event., Frankie D. spoke about Trains in NY and Post Office items of interest., Rebecca from the Jacksonville Stamp club spoke about her 1 1/2 hour drive to our club to sort through the free stamp table and told everyone present how wonderful everyone was to her., Dave R. spoke about a package that was sent from PA and the clerk at the Post Office got tired of cancelling 3 and 4 cent stamps that were applied  and used a black magic marker to destroy the stamps., (Dave R. is now an official member of the “Two Minute Club”  and awarded himself with 1000 extra points because he can!) Rod F. spoke about Vera Linn was 100 years old and Rolls Royce is still a favorite car to own. Ed W. spoke elegantly about songs with posters from WW1 and was enjoyed by all. 

Special reminder…. Please wear your name badges to our meeting. If you need a new one please contact Robert K. by e-mail and he will make you a new one.

Thank you Tom H.  Mike N. and Dave G. for setting up our tables and Keith M. for taking down the tables. 50 extra points to each because I can.

Thank you Vera for taking care of the sign in table. You will also receive 50 points.

Thank you Joyce and Angela for helping with the door prizes.

Thank you Frankie D, Joyce C., Tom H. Dave R. and Bob S., Paul S. for your help with the Auction. And Bob K. for collecting the funds for this meeting. You all get 20 extra points for this50/50 was won by Nikie. Thank you for helping with the 50/50 along with Bob S. and Bernie B.

Door vouchers was won by # 268 Bernard B. and # 145 Frankie D.

Treasure Chest would have been won by # 132, Robert K.,  if only he had been at this meeting. 

Secret word for the August 28 meeting is BADGE

Meeting ended at 8:05 PM.


Minutes submitted by Jane M.


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