Minutes of Meeting June 27 2011

On June 29, 2011, in Uncategorized, by Flagler County Stamp


59 members and guests were in attendance

By 5 p.m. we had a pretty good  turn out of some early  birds.This is a great time to buy, share, trade and sell your stamp and coin  items before the meeting starts.
Once again the VFW cooked hamburgers, hot dogs and all the fixings.. The  drinks from the Bar are excellent.
Quite a few of our members brought in their treasures to sell and  trade. All of our members are encouraged to come and do the same  ..
We also had a gentleman and his wife selling their old mint stamps at face  value. This was a big hit for our members. They told us that they will return at  the July meeting on the 25th with the rest of their holdings.
At 6 p.m. President David Rosenthal called the meeting to  order.
There were 59 members and visitors present.
This was a great turnout considering the downpour that hit the area at the  same time.
Welcome back long time no sees Dr. John Z. and Erik E.
We had two new members sign in join our great club .We are up to 182  ..
Ed W. gave a fanctastic presentation on the 1939 World’s Fair. Ed shared a  rare stereo type fold out post card from the fair.
Hein D.B. also gave an educational talk on the art of collecting  stamps.
Our beloved Sergeant of Arms gave us some trivia on stamps.
Dean Robinson talked about 9-11.
A new subject was brought up about carpooling or renting a bus to major  stamp and coin shows for our members. This will be discussed further.
Frank S. donated some Coin Books for the club members.
Phil K. gave the club a bigger treasure box which is getting full. Please  bring in some fun coin or stamp related items for the treasure box. Remember, we  will pick out one name at the end of the auction and if that member is present  he or she will win the treasure box.
Vouchers were won by Bob C. and James W. ( He is the last one to join as of  our meeting on 6-27
Loui A. once again won the 50/50 !!!!!  We have lost count as to how  many times Loui has won but we think it is nearing 25 times!! Hee Hee. At least  it seems that way..
Thank you Nancy for doing the 50/50
Thank you Vera and Florian for doing the signing in!  We can not thank  you enough for your help.
Thank you Bob K. for all that you do for the club
Joe Mc G. number was pulled from The Treasure Box . Sorry Joe, You could  have won the Treasure Box.
Coin World and Linn’s Stamp news has listed our request for donations. This  was a great resource for our Home Show and Stamp show last year and provided  many items that were given away for the youth in our area.
Happily submitted by:
Silvia Rosenthal

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