Vice President Frankie D. called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. The extra time allowed those present to display their auction material.
In attendance were 45 members and four guests.
Frankie handed out envelopes to various members from the club’s hostess Silvia.
Moving right along, VP Frankie asked for any members who had a show and tell or a life experience to raise their hand.
The following members made presentations:
#250 Linda C.
#133 Bill B.
#27 Edward W.
#85 Dar F.
A thank you for these presentations.
Frankie D then announced that we had a new member. Matthew F., a student, became our #258. A picture was taken and Frankie stated that the club’s “goodies” would be presented to Matthew at the June meeting. The club wishes to recognize club member #221 Jacob S. for his referral of Matthew. A SHOUTOUT to you Jacob.
Bob K. presented the treasure’s report and commented that the club’s web site does not show much activity for viewing. A link is provided at the end of this email.
The drawing for the door prize vouchers was conducted and members #178 Dan J., and #250 Linda C., were each given a $10 club voucher. We wish to thank #125 Paul B. for handling the 50/50 event.
The 50/50 was drawn and the club’s winner was member #103 Alva W., III. Alva then donated his portion of winnings back to the club. A HUGH appreciation to Alva for such a gesture.
After taking a 15 minute break for all the members and guests to view the auction table, member #165 Paul S. was our auctioneer, with VP Frankie D. and member #60 Francine handling the bookkeeping. We had 37 members and guests stay for the auction. There were many items in the auction and Paul S. kept the action moving.
The auction ended at 7:30 pm. The drawing for the treasure chest was conducted and the winner was member #56 William H. William was not present so the chest and its contents move to our June meeting. You MUST be present to win the treasure chest.
Club’s web site:
Submitted by
Bob K.