Minutes of Meeting Oct 26 2015

On October 29, 2015, in Uncategorized, by Flagler County Stamp
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Dave R. calls meeting to order at 6:06. The Rolling Stones, in the 60s, sang “Time is on my side.” Dave must hate the Stones.

Paul S. issues challenge…look at two Scottish stamps that appear identical and pick out the 3 subtle differences. New member John S. does so and wins the stamps.

Dave holds inaugural youth auction, with 9 young members bidding on items using Monopoly money. They had a blast. We don’t want to say it was long, but during auction, Jody D. starts reading “War & Peace,” finishes it as last item is auctioned off.

Club holds moment of silence for our departed friend, C.L. Offering remembrances of how kind and helpful C.L. was were Dave, Mike N., Ed W.

Dave asks for help w/ club Christmas tree decorating on Nov. 18th, and also at the upcoming Home Show. Apparently he doesn’t need help with menorah decorating, since it’s just candles and a candelabra.

Treasure chest needs more love.

Dave thanks Frankie D., Bob K., Mike N. Bob and Paul S., and Jody D. for their monthly efforts.

Treasurer’s report from Bob K. He’s still keeping the account in the Cayman Islands secret from the IRS.

Motion made to give the Friends of the Flagler Co Library an annual donation. Carries.

Frankie D. reports our club bricks at the Chamber of Commerce and Library have prominent positions, which is good for club PR.

Door prize vouchers won by Frankie D. and Jerry C.

50-50 won by Bob C.

John S. from St. Augustine and Paul K., who just moved here from TN, are welcomed as new members 263 and 264.

Good of the Club auction held, followed by regular auction.

Winner of Treasure Chest was James Y., who was NOT present, so it carries over to January. That’s right, kids…NO MEETINGS UNTIL 4TH MONDAY IN JANUARY.

Respectfully submitted,

Jody Davis

Recording Sec’y


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