Dave R. calls meeting to order at 6:00. No, that’s not a typo. He was actually on time.
Dave reminds us for the 45th time that our club show is March 5th, just weeks away. He says McDonald’s is supposed to provide some sort of support for us.
Dar, Francine, and John D. are thanked for getting gift cards from local merchants for the show. Dave says we’re in many media outlets via articles, mentions, and ads. The show will remain open past closing time if there are any customers remaining who want to conduct business.
Dave tells us of the untimely death of dealer Randy Savedow…a friend of the club.
We welcome new member 267… Garrett S.
Sgt At Arms Mike N. says…if you see anyone at a club function who acts strangely or looks like he doesn’t belong, speak up to him or Dave. See something…say something.
We’ll have a presentation on frauds targeting seniors at our March meeting.
Bob K. gives Treasurer’s report. We’ve got more shekels thanks to annual dues coming in.
VP Frankie D. says…if you suspect anything you receive in the mail might be a scam, turn it in. If it is, the P.O. will turn it over to federal postal inspectors.
Welcome back from China June D.
Club gives present to Jacob S’s newborn niece.
Club thanks Allen A. with certificate for his presentation last month.
Clyde S. gives short talk about collecting modern coins, specifically bullion silver and proof Silver Eagles.
Paul S. reminds everyone about the sign-in sheets up front where we can put down our preferences and whether we’d like to buy/sell/trade with other members.
Mike N. talks about the calls for eliminating the $100 bill because of its use in the drug trade. Jody D. considers calling for the return of the $10,000 bill, but thinks better of it and keeps his mouth shut.
John H. conducts show & tell on stamp perforations at his table for all interested.
Paul N. and Clyde S. win door prize vouchers.
Club gifts Francine for her work getting gift certificates and other freebies for the club.
Joan B. and Lee S. win the 50-50. Club voted to split the take once again this month.
Auction is held, along with drawing for stuffed pets for those who stayed.
Jerry C.’s name is picked for Treasure Chest, but he was not present. Another rollover.
Chef Billy apologized for not making it due to snafu with the water main situation. He promises he’ll be in place, making dinner for the March meeting.
67 members in attendance and eight guests.
I’m tired after typing so many notes. So I’m takin’ a nap.
Respectfully submitted,
Jody D.
Recording Sec’y