Minutes of Meeting July 25 2016

On July 27, 2016, in Uncategorized, by Flagler County Stamp

Call to order from Dave R. at 6:02. Dave’s on drugs, man. Seriously.

We have 44 members and 9 visitors in attendance. Clearly, many of our members are vacationing.

Reminder…September meeting is where we hold our collectibles auction, where all members can participate. October will feature our “Good of the Club” auction.

Dave says we got a nice write-up in the internationally-distributed “bible” of coin periodicals– Coin World. It appeared both online and in the physical magazine.

Our huge (8 ft) banner has been ordered and will be displayed each year outside the building (the Elks again next year) where we hold our annual March show.

Dave asks members to approve ads to run the remainder of this year on the FlaglerLive.com website. Motion carries.

We have two new members…Bob H. (271) and Garrett H. (272)…both into coins. In fact, Bob owns a coin shop in Jax, where he lives.

Bob K. gives Treasurer’s report. Since Dave’s been under the weather lately, we spent very little money last month. Always knew he was a spendthrift. 😉

VP Frankie D. cautions us not to cover bar codes on mailing labels with tape…even clear tape. It messes with the code reader and screws up tracking info.

Dr. John Z. gives presentation on his visit to the NY World Int’l Stamp convention at the Javits Center. He shows slides of many rare issues.

Ray H. completes his 2-part presentation on paper money with a history of Florida currency. Many great historic photos of rare bills.

$10 vouchers won by Frank M. and Jose L.

Phil K. donates a nice number of coins, which are handed out to additional door prize winners.

Frankie D. wins the 50-50.

Treasure chest winner is Gerald L., who was not in attendance. Rollover.

Get rid of those stones, Dave. Feel better.

Respectfully submitted,

Jody D.

Recording Sec’y


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