President Dave R. calls meeting to order at 6:02. Attendance: 44 members, 4 guests.
Member Jean Pierre F. is moving to SC and gave club a number of thick, valuable stamp binders and books for the auction. Thanks, Jean…and happy travels.
We observed a moment of silence for member Phil S., whom we lost this past month. His son, Brian, will continue Phil’s legacy in the club.
Ed W. happily brags that two grandkids just got scholarships to Stetson University in arts-related fields. Max, who used to visit us regularly, has appeared in several local productions.
Dave reminds all that next month is our “everything goes” auction. You can bring in collectible items to sell that aren’t coins or stamps in addition to the regular stuff.
Reminder…October is our “for the good of the club” auction. Please be generous. Our rent at the VFW is going up, so we need the shekels.
Dave says not enough members are taking advantage of the club’s website, where you can read these minutes (Hey…humor me, so I don’t type my fingers to the bone for nothing), see photos, among other things. Please check out at least monthly.
This month’s speaker was a no-show…so no presentation.
Dave shows members an old railroad mail delivery tag from his collection, then updates us about package shipping/delivery options offered by USPS.
Bob K. gives his Treasurer’s report. We spent a bunch more than last month. Why? Because Dave is feeling better.
Ed W. shows an army/navy production award from WWII.
Door prizes of German coins are awarded to many winning members.
Door prize vouchers won by Jody D. and Jose L.
The 50-50 winner…Silvia, your hostess with the mostest.
Auction is held.
Treasure chest winner…Dr. John Z. who IS in attendance! The chest will need plenty of love next month.
Respectfully submitted,
Jody D.
Recording Sec’y